The Firewood Man and the environment
Firewood fuel is so good that we have just received funding and sponsorship.
Sales of wood burning stoves have increased by 40% over the last 8 years, and with the harsher winters we’ve been having and today’s leaner times, it’s not surprising that more homeowners are choosing this greener energy source.
Wood fuel is a sustainable and affordable source of energy. It is carbon neutral, relatively fast to renew (particularly when you compare with fossil fuels such as coal and oil) and is not detrimental to the environment.
Wood fuel is also more cost-effective than fossil fuels and is a local community resource. The Firewood Man specialises in recycling logs from your area, which means that transportation costs are kept to an absolute minimum and you have the pleasure of knowing that the logs you’re burning on your fire are from your area.
Our daily delivery method also means that we’re minimising our impact on the environment. We’re not keeping dozens of vans on the road, criss-crossing all over the county. By streamlining all of our orders into as few deliveries as possible we’re able to cut down on fuel emissions.
Finally we air dry all of our logs which we believe produces a superior quality of log and unlike kiln drying, doesn’t produce any emissions or fuel waste in the process.
We’re doing all we can to make buying logs a pleasure for both you and the local community. If you think there is anything we could be doing differently please get in touch.